The Basics of Farm Animal Care

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Raising farm animals can be fun and potentially profitable, but it also requires a lot of care. Additionally, your livestock’s needs will differ based on the animals you decide to get. No matter which you choose, you’ll need to stock up on supplies and build structures for them. Learn about some of the basics of farm animal care to prepare yourself.

Attentive Observation

Since your animals will usually be outside, it can be easy to attend only to their basic needs and leave them alone most of the time. But to care for them effectively, you should observe them each day to stop potential problems before they grow too big. Check for physical signs of health issues, such as decreased hair quality and bodily discharges. Behaviors that are out of the norm, like limping and odd movements, may also signify that something’s wrong. You’ll need to learn how to treat wounds and give your animals medicine so that they remain healthy.

Knowledge of Proper Food

Just like with people, proper nutrition is pivotal for farm animals. Research the foods your animals can and can’t eat. Many farm animals aren’t too picky, and as long as you know what to avoid, they should be fine. For example, chickens eat seeds, vegetables, fruit, grains, insects, and table scraps. Pigs will also eat vegetables, fruit, and table scraps, and can also graze on your land. You can also buy specific feeds with nutrients meant for different farm animals.

Providing Shelter and Fencing

Providing shelter and fencing is basic for farm animal care as well. Your livestock needs somewhere to rest and stay warm at night. Without shelter, they can become stressed, and your milk-giving animals may produce less milk. In their shelters, there should be adequate space and some form of bedding on the ground. You’ll also need to make sure to clean them periodically. As for fencing, the materials, design, and height that you use can greatly vary depending on what animals you have. Knowing what to consider with farm fencing will help you keep your animals secure without injuring them.

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